About Doely Intermediaries

Efficiency, time and cost effectiveness are the key determinants of success today.

Taking advantage of a massive pool of over 500 Subject Matter Experts, Technology and Project Management expertise, Doely Intermediaries is that company that is set to deliver that value.

So here is the vision

Organizations that will remain afloat in today’s world and in the near future must be able to:

•Deliver required levels of quality
•Deliver on time and cost effectively
•Deliver online and on mobile

They will need a reliable company that can harness a broad array of specialists and project management methods to achieve these goals. That company is Doely Intermediaries


We listen and we learn. We analyse your issues and ideas with you. And then we define and clearly aticulate the idea/issue. Here we have a common agreement with you and all stakeholders. We now know exactly what we are dealing with. We have a diagnosis.
Your solution could be a digital transformation roadmap a mobile app to reach more ustomers or even a CSR or empowerment project to give back to society. At this stage, we develop the required technology and create a clear project plan with timelines and budget arranged in an order of impact, significance and investment priority.
We dont just hand over to you and walk  away. Delivery to us means training and support. So after implementing your project on time and within budget, we hold your hand. We make sure your staff are able to operate seamlessly within the operations of our service.